Tag Archive | RELIGION!

Smirnoff Furious After Gideons Refuse to Allow Vodka Adverts in Their Bibles

Smirnoff Furious After Gideons Refuse to Allow Vodka Adverts in Their Bibles

Smirnoff are said to be ‘flabbergasted’ after the Gideons refused to allow them to place leaflets advertising their vodka products inside their bibles. The Gideon Society are known for their advertising of Christianity by placing bibles in hotel rooms for unwary travellers. Who hasn’t rooted through the bedside table on entering a new hotel room, […]

Jesus’s Mum Calls Him Selfish for Not Having Any Kids

Jesus’s Mum Calls Him Selfish for Not Having Any Kids

Jesus’s mum, Mary Carpenter, has gone on record in an interview for the Catholic Herald as believing her son, Christian superhero Jesus Christ, to be selfish for choosing to be childless. “How dare he waste his time inspiring multitudes when he could be pouring all his love and devotion into a small number of select […]

New ‘Church of Doctor Who’ Collapses Into Chaos After Peter Capaldi Signs Autograph as the Thirteenth Doctor

New ‘Church of Doctor Who’ Collapses Into Chaos After Peter Capaldi Signs Autograph as the Thirteenth Doctor

The new ‘Church of Doctor Who’ religion, started last month by a fan in Cardiff, has collapsed into chaos after actor Peter Capaldi signed an autograph for its founder as the thirteenth Doctor. “Peter Capaldi is not the thirteenth Doctor,” fumed the Church’s founder James Hartnell (name changed by deedpoll), “He is the twelfth. Matt […]